Jollypopps Maleur

Born: 2001-08-21
E. Rivermeadow's Blackmailer
U. Abbey-Ii


Dog school L-test +2

Owner: Linda Georgsson
Breeder: Kennel Jollypopps





I took over Melker when he was 1-years old, because he wasn't housetrained! That problem disappeared immediately.

He is a really nice dog!

He has done  Dog school L-test with good results, only one error Melker is unfortunately afraid of shots!
Test leader said: If  he was a German Shepherd and not shot afraid we would keep him!

Melker love people, food, sticks and balls. Sleeping time is ten o'clock!

Unfortunately, he is ill.
Melker has Furunkulos and has been treated since about 2 years of age.
While there are currently no medications that bite, we've tried everything even ordered special vaccine from the U.S. but it didn't work either.
Now he's on a special diet and no medicitation is needed at the moment.

Melker has not been used in breeding and will not do so because of Furunkulos! Do not bring this terrible disease on!